Odinga backs out of Presidential Elections Rerun

Raila Odinga, Kenyan opposition leader, has pulled out of the presidential rerun elections which is to take place on the 26th of September after a previous election which was declared invalid due to irregularities committed by the election board.
Odinga, in a statement, said the decision was made considering the interests of the people of Kenya, BBCreports. He said:
After deliberating on our position in respect of the upcoming election, considering the interests of the people of Kenya, the region and the world at large, we believe that all will be best served by the party vacating its presidential candidature in the election scheduled for 26 October 2017.
Raila Odinga, a former Prime Minister, had ran against Kenyatta, the incumbent, at the August 8 elections.
Kenyatta had won defeating Odinga, his closest rival, by about 1.4 million votes.